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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Anxiety and Water

People who know me well, are aware that I am a very anxious introvert.  That comes from the way I was raised, I suppose.  Anxiety for no real reason.  It is just there.  Most people experience anxiety about their appearance, public speaking, or impending danger, or the unknown.  That's just not me, though.  I actually feel quite comfortable with all of those things.  My anxiety is self-generated.

But.  I found the cure many years ago. Water.  Swimming.  I feel powerful, graceful, and secure in the water. I feel absolutely safe.  That is why the idea of swimming the Mackinac Straits does not make me feel anxious in any way.  I've been warned.  I have been told about the dangers...the currents...the shipping lane, and the unpredictability of those waters.  When I told my Mother I was going to do this before she died, she laughed and said: "I believe you will, Julie."

Other types of exercise don't bring the same feelings of peace, and power.  Not to me.  I tried long-distance running.  I sucked at that.  Riding my horse was a wonderful thing...a bonding experience....and the feeling of a very deep connection with another being.  But it is not the same.

On off days, or lifting days, I have difficulty concentrating...or even being around people.
i withdraw a lot.

Swimming.  There is no better drug.  No greater joy.

At least not for me.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Sometimes I fail to remember just how amazingly lucky I am. A nice roof over my head, a big yard for Bree, and the love of my life.  It's been 43 years now!  It seems like I should feel old, or something...but I don't.  I am happy.  I have enough. *Really more than enough*  I am enjoying a sweet life, in a lovely little town, where all the troubles of the world seem very far away.

I had to work out in the evening today, as it's learn to swim week at my gym.  But.  I did usually have the pool to myself.  People came and went.  I slogged out about 3000 meters today.  I felt strangely strong, despite the neck pain, and the GOGGLE headache!  Yup.  I bought another new pair of goggles.  These were supposed to be the comfortable kind...but they were killing my nose.  I worked on some 50 meter sprints, and did a lot better than I expected.  10X50s on the top...averaging 38 today.  I even managed to crank out a 32...which is quick for me.  Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a trainer to work with me on lifting.  So. Yeah.  Water.

When I think about water, and how easy it is for people like me to come by,  I feel a big twinge of guilt. Thousands of Detroiters...everyone who is $150.00 or more late on their water bills, have had their water shut off. And water bills in Detroit are higher than the median water bills of the rest of the country. If something doesn't change soon, the water cutoffs could reach 340,000 people. That is HALF the city.  Imagine being poor, with children, and having no water in the summer.  This is not affecting corporations, however...some of whom owe thousands.  Their water stays on.  Imagine the elderly on very low fixed incomes.  The injustice of all of this is mind-boggling.

So. The United Nations is coming to the aid of Detroiters, on a humanitarian mission.  The United Nations, coming to the aid of the wealthiest nation in the world, because no one in this country really cares.  I'm sure Rick Snyder has all the water he needs.  I'm sure the city managers that he appointed have plenty of water.

And the national media is not talking about this.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Polar Vortex

After last winter,  I never wanted to hear the words vortex and polar used EVER again. Last winter, the state of Michigan turned into Whine Central. Yup. It was much colder,  and we had a lot of snow. Whatever. My Malamute, Bree and I actually enjoyed the weather.

Now I'm hearing from the weather "guessers" that the P.V. is coming back. This week.  And the whining has already begun. We are supposed to get a lot of rain. (Rain is good.)  It is also supposed to bring cool temperatures. THAT is a great thing! Cool weather in July. I love it. Bree will be happier. Our air conditioner might not be needed. Lower energy bills!!!  And on cool,  rainy days, people don't use the pool at my gym as much. That's great for me! I love having the pool to myself!

So. I'm looking forward to this weather "phenomenon". 

So,  Michiganders! Sit back and enjoy. It's going to be a great week!


Well. After a long discussion with Jeni,  I told her that I didn't think it was a good idea for her to swim the Straits with me. Her parents were very unhappy with the idea.  Her Dad sent some interesting, but complicated facts about the currents on the Straits,  along with a very scary photo of the waters on a very windy day. I really don't want to get involved in anyone else's family drama. I also did not want to lose my friendship with her family. It just became too much. Personally, I think she was relieved. Some members of my family and a few friends will be there and I didn't want them to be exposed to any needless worry or negative vibes. So. It's just me,  folks.  It will actually make things a little simpler, although planning this swim is more complicated than I thought. I have questions for the Coast Guard, but have been unable to reach them.  *Probably because they're out saving lives, or some other sort of nonsense.* (It's a JOKE!) I'll just be glad when I get this paperwork out of my hands.

Anyway, It's all good!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Red Tape

I have been working on the Homeland Security paperwork for the Coast Guard.  Yep.  To swim the Mack Straits there's paperwork. And it's complicated!  They want a map of our route.  Okay. Um. So we'll be starting out near St. Ignace in the U.P. and ending up somewhere around Mackinac City in the L.P.  I can definitely pick a Point A...but since we'll be following the currents, and surely not in a straight line, I am not quite sure where we'll end up.  After doing a fair amount of research, I'm reading that after we finish this cold, exhausting...yet amazing swim, we may have to clamber up some rocks when we get to the other side. Sounds great. Not.  I don't like clambering.  I'm hoping to end up on a beach.  With sand. I'm looking at the Lighthouse area in Mackinac City.  Perhaps.      

Some great news!  Jeni Huffman, one of my former swimmers at the Ann Arbor Y, and now all around good friend will be taking on this little adventure with us.  Jeni is a very talented swimmer.  The current record for this swim is 2:40.  I think Jeni can set a new one.  I think she can do it in 2:30.  However, that's pretty much up to the water conditions of the day.  She is looking for two kayakers currently.  We are also looking for a very good boats man with a power boat...preferably with sails, who can be there in case we run into some trouble and need to get out in a hurry. Hypothermia is our biggest threat.  Then there's the shipping lane.  BUT.  I'm not going to dwell on that stuff.  After all, who gets to watch the sunrise over the Straits while in the water?!

My son, Nick, who is a very talented professional Interactive Motion Designer in Portland, Oregon, will be designing a logo for us.  He's extremely busy right now, so it will be a while before he can get to it.  But I know he'll come up with something awesome.  Gleaners wants me to have a photograph taken while I'm swimming for their newsletter.  Well.  I was, at one time, a professional photographer, and I have a great pro camera...but no one to snap the shot.  Gleaners has offered to help me find someone.

I had the facet injections in my neck two days ago, and it has actually made the pain worse...although, I'm told that's only temporary.  So tomorrow my day is looking like this:  Haul my sorry ass out of bed, pull on my suit, and a pair of shorts, feed and water my Malamute, Bree.  Take her for a short walk.  Back home. Grab my swim bag, and head over to the pool, where I will be spending about three hours working out. Then back home. Feed Bree.  Take her for a long walk.  Eat dinner.  To bed. (where I'll toss and turn all night due to chronic insomnia)  Next day. Rinse and repeat.  But I ALWAYS take Sundays off.

And you know what?  It's a great life!


Thursday, July 3, 2014

In search of...

Goggles that don't leak, fog up, give you raccoon eyes, and a headache

A perfectly fitting competitive swimsuit that lasts more than a month

Reasonable Republicans  (I know. Republicans and reason=oxymoron)

An automatic dog shedder, or a live in groomer

I'll need a housekeeper to clean up after the groomer

An invisible barrier that cannot be crossed by Steve (the groundhog), skunks, or any other varmint after my vegetables

Siblings  (Nope. Never mind. That's clearly impossible.)

A big, fluffy puppy

All of my kids and their families in one place at the same time

Airliners that don't suck

Self-cleaning kitchens and bathrooms

Flip flops that last more than half a summer

Jeans that really fit well, and don't fall down when I stand up

More t-shirts  Yup.  I actually need more t-shirts.

A really good 1 hour massage

An instructor to teach me how to kayak...Of course, I will first need a kayak.

Another sport to take up...Oh, yeah.  That would be kayaking!

A Roomba that doesn't cost as much as my truck

The perfect electric car

People who respect others, as much as themselves

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Good Stuff



The way I feel after a good workout at the pool



Fluffy puppies

Shoes. The funkier the better

Wearing red

Quiet afternoons with a book



All dogs

Lake Michigan

Sunset over Lake Michigan

Sunrise in my backyard

People with kind eyes

Staying in bed for 20 minutes right after I wake up



Organic veggies and fruits

People who smile back when I smile at them

Anyone who laughs at my jokes

People who allow me to freely swear

My house

Long meandering walks with Bree

That moment just before I fall asleep at night

Quiet people

People who understand that everything is not funny



Smart people. I mean intelligent people

Those who take the time to get to know others

Selfless acts by random strangers



Fresh grown produce from my garden

People who can laugh with me, and who make me laugh

Popsicles in the summer

Mint chocolate chip ice cream

Giving love and support to another when they need it.


The Mackinac Straits

Most importantly, my family...Michael, Shauna, Nick and Kathleen

My mother