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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Care2 is a profit-making scam

I have been delving into the inner workings of What I found was disturbing, at the very least. It seems to be run by right-wingers. They publish petitions for charitable causes. However, they ask for no info about you when you vote on these petitions. They receive app. $59,000,000 per annum. The say 5% is give to charitable causes. 5%. They have 56 employees. I wonder who receives 95% of these profits (which come from Advertising. Great little deal the CEO and Board of Directors have going there. If you post an opinion on a poll that right-wingers, or religious fanatics don't live, these whacko members flags you. They are also connected to Facebook. My advice? Stay away from C2.

International Bloggers Day

Today is international Blogger's Day! I'd like to speak out to people with regards to Global warming. There is a LOT we can all do. We can't all afford wind turbines and solar panels. We can, however, phone and e-mail our our Congressman and Senators, and urge them to support efforts to change the status quo. We can re-cycle, and why the hell are you still using plastic bottles and plastic your appliances and old computers....the list is endless! Start with little things.