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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life and Death

My father is dying...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Got turned down for a job today...I ALWAYS get the job...and this was just a joe job leading trail rides...I guess it was because I don't do stalls...too old for that.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

lost in space

No one can seem to find my blog, even when they type in the correct url...and, of's forums don't answer this problem. I guess I'll just have to keep searching...Went out today to put betadine on Sunny's incision, and Mr. Gerry comes out to tell me that Sunny may be a "little" lame. She seems fine to me...but why the hell they couldn't PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL...I don't know...Seems to me that I pay board to have Sunny monitored, and the least they can do is keep me in the LOOP!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunny had minor surgery today. she was tranqed with a half dose, and could barely stand...poor baby.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I swear if I ever see another IKEA hex wrench, I'm gonna have a serious meltdown!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I just finished moving my computer, printer, peripherals, and computer furniture to the other side of my office! I know it doesn't sound like a big deal...but I'm going to feel it tomorrow in my back! I needed guest room space and a more logical room set-up, so everyone who comes to visit me doesn't have to sleep on an air mattress. My old bed is coming in to my office/guest room. I'm getting a brand new bed for my bedroom. Why is all of this significant? Well. It probably isn't. I'm just glad it's over.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Repubs fizzling into oblivion

I'm really enjoying this little tea party deal the repubs are throwing together...the angry and disenfranchised band together to complain about taxes?...The repubs talking heads insert themself into the tea party, whose origins actually began with the bush administration...Last time I checked, as part of the middle class...MY taxes aren't going up...only those of the the angry people gathering are supposedly middle and lower class individuals....who are blindly following limbaugh, hannity, gingrich etc. to protest taxes. Yep. I'm pretty sure, THOSE neo-con talking heads are going to have their taxes raised. People can be such idiots.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Death threat

I received a death threat on a Care2 blog from some whacked out Australian dude...Am I scared? NOOOOO. I tracked his IP his e-mail address, his wife's e-mail address, his HOME address. His name: Christian Burgess....all turned over to local and federal law enforcement. Having said CAREFUL online. If I can track you...others can as well...Care 2 is NOT a secure site. In fact, if you are a Care2 Admin. and stay AWAY...Too bad. It's such a wonderful site. I don't recommend returning until Care2's engineers fix the site so that members' backsides are not exposed to the ENTIRE world!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Internet scam alert. I am urging everyone to boycott They are guilty of so many shady business practices, I just can't keep track. Google "complaints about gamestop" for more infor. Also, beware, that Gamestop and a whole HOST of internet companies have partnered with a company called Reservation Rewards. If you order a product from Gamestop or any other company partner with Reservation Rewards (google "complaints about Reservation Rewards" for a long list of participating companies.) your complete information....INCLUDING your credit or debit number will be automatically be transferred to this company. Weeks or months later, you will notice a small charge (app. $12.00) on your credit card statement or bank statement. First, call the local Police or Sheriff dept. and report this action. Get a complaint number (VERY important.) Report the fraudulent charge to your credit card company or your bank. Get your card number changed, and also give them your P.D. complaint number. If you do not report a complaint number, this company can and has charged people's NEW numbers. Next, phone Reservation Rewards and DEMAND your money back, and also demand that they cancel the "membership" know...the "membership" you never even made! I am also asking for a boycott of Gamestop and any other participating companies. (Gamestop deserves a boycott simply because they are rip-off artists.)
We all have to be careful out there!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I find people so difficult to understand at times. There is so much anger out many people advocating violence...There are even groups who wish a violent revolt in this country. Yeah...I'm pissed off, too, at the irresponsible greedy, Corporate mentality that is still out there. But President Obama...who has only been in office for a few months and has been saddled with a QUAGMIRE of problems created by the Bush not receiving the support he needs to get the job done...The Repubs refuse to compromise on ANY point...and there are some squishy Dems out there who are not doing enough to back their President. I'm going to go meditate.