Is Mark Zuckerberg an ethical man?
Is Warren Buffett a great man?
Why can't I have lunch with Toni Morrison?
Why is war a partisan issue in the United States?
Why are so many people wasting time worrying about what others think about them?
Why is there always one neighbor in every neighborhood who is an asshole?
Do you need a PhD to know that the mentally ill are not the problem?
Why do religious people believe that their faith is superior to others?
Physicians have such a sense of self-entitlement. Why?
Are boys easier to raise than girls? If so, do they "turn out" any better?
Where is the respect for the elders in our country?
Why do Americans consider making large sums of money a sign of a successful life?
What has happened to humility?
Why is it so hard to say you're sorry?
When will people learn to love and be loved with no conditions or reservations?
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